no longer in development

PRELIMINARY WEBSITE LINK: site \ sight \ cite
site\sight\cite project – concept development

The sophistication and complexity of Australian Indigenous society’s philosophical concepts concerning the relationships between land and people, and between people, is expressed through various laws and customs, practised codes of behaviour and rules of engagement. These concepts have proved difficult to communicate beyond the realm of relatively few academic studies in social science. Indigenous people however are increasingly engaged in dialectical communication on ideas about metaphysics and knowledge systems on a global scale. The exciting scope and rapid development of media-arts presents an innovative means of creating space to engage the general public in an interactive relationship, and foster philosophical interchange focusing upon the understanding of relationship to land and social development from an Indigenous perspective.

Site\sight\cite is an interactive new media project designed to create a bridge between old and new societies – old and new society as defined by the time over which the production of art and the foundations of knowledge were initiated, in Indigenous Australia some 40,000 years ago*. This interactive experience is designed to inspire reflection and rethinking, bringing the social political and spiritual perspectives of Australian Indigenous people to significant historic and human intersections.

An on-line virtual walk through country, touring metropolitan Brisbane sights and contemporary sites significant to Indigenous people, with creative citations and a Ch@place to engage the population in dialogue, site\sight\cite leads us through reflection on the past, the present, and onward to proposals for the future. Subject to negotiations with traditional owners, the proposed website is currently in development.

The website is complemented by the Colourise Festival eARTh event, a participatory and collaborative physical walk through country, hosted by live-media-art creActivity. The event is also to include a physical interactive new media installation ”Contested Space” at a prominent local site, where participants are invited to take part in a ceremonial boxing tournament. (Development funded by Australia Council New Media Arts Board.)

The Artangel (UK) commissioned site “Night Haunts” provides an example web design.
no longer accessible
Detailed information about the project can be accessed at CreActivity TEXT tab, in “A Novella of Ideas”.

Christine Peacock
Project Co-Ordinator
site\sight\cite project concept development

(*Reference: Mithen Steven The Prehistory of the Mind, the Cognitive Origins of Art and Science p.156-157).)